Friday, October 22, 2010

IPv6 WEP cracking

Those of you with interests in security will no doubt know how trivial it is to break WEP keys using a known-plaintext attack to recover the first 16 bytes of keystream for each packet, and then executes the PTW attack once there are about 20,000-80,000 packets captured. The original known-plaintext attack for IPv4 relied on the predictability of the first 16 bytes of ARP packets, the first 8 being the LLC header (always the same) and the first 8 bytes of the ARP header (the same except for the last byte, but this is predictable based on the MAC addresses - ARP requests are broadcast, ARP replies are unicast). Gathering ARP packets was made even easier due to the ARP replay attack - where a captured ARP request is replayed to quickly generate large numbers of ARP replies, each encrypted with a different IV.

The PTW attack with its ability to determine non-consecutive key bytes made a passive attack more feasible too - normal IP packets can be used, and the two bytes which are assumed to be random (the identification field) can be bruteforced.

Unfortunately, WEP was more or less left untouched after 2007, with a few extensions to the PTW attack, and reapplication of KoreK's correlations, but there doesn't appear to be an IPv6 version of this yet (EDIT: aircrack actually decrypted the dump of my ipv6 test). IPv6 requires that we find ways of implementing both a replay attack, and a passive attack, however it appears that they have a lot more in common on IPv6 than they did under IPv4.

Because IPv6 uses ICMPv6 instead of ARP for its neighbour discovery (RFC 4861), only an attack on the IPv6 header is required, which makes life easier. So assuming the LLC header stays the same (will confirm later), let's have a look at the first 8 bytes:

Byte 0.5: Version (6) - this is trivial if we know the network is running IPv6 (can infer this from IPv6 multicast MAC addresses)
Bytes 1-4:  Traffic class and Flowlabel - 0 if no QoS/MPLS is implemented
Bytes 5-6: Payload length (can be deduced from packet length)
Byte 7: Next header (is probably going to be TCP, UDP or ICMP)
Byte 8: Hop limit (I've seen 255 and 1 for local packets, 128 for leaving packets, and various numbers for packets received from outside the LAN).

As we can see, quite a bit of this can be easily guessed. If we're simply intercepting LAN traffic, then it's unlikely that the traffic class and flow label fields are giong to be used, making our first 4 bytes 0, the payload byte is guessable (total 6 predictable bytes so far). The next header field is in practise only going to be one of 3 values (and if the length matches can be assumed to be ICMP, or if it is too long can be assumed to be TCP/UDP), which leaves us with the hop limit field, which can easily be bruteforced (as the current IPv4 attack shows that bruteforcing 2 bytes is feasible).

For a replay attack, an ICMPv6 Neighbour solicitation packet is required. Unfortunately for us, there is no obvious way to distinguish between solicitation and advertisement packets, so it is somewhat trial and error, at least when unicast solicitations happen. From what I've seen in my (incredibly limited) tests, these happen more frequently than ARP exchanges on IPv4, which should make it easier to capture neighbour solicitations.

Neighbour solicitation/advertisement packets are always 64/72 bytes long (only counting the IPv6 and ICMP headers + payload), so packets of this length can be assumed (possibly incorrectly) to be neighbour solicitation/advertisements, which gives us a 50/50 chance of getting a solicitation packet. But what if we have an advertisement, and want to convert it into a solicitation, what do we need to do?

Firstly, the type needs to be changed from 136 to 135. Secondly, the field that was used for flags is reserved in the solicitation packet, so this should be zeroed (trial and error on the 3 currently used bits, or just assume the recipient is going to ignore this field). Thirdly, if the option is set (dest link-layer address) this needs to be changed, which can easily be done by xoring the MAC addresses from the unencrypted link layer header. This leaves us with one final problem - swapping the source and destination IP addresses from the IP header. To do this would require inside knowledge, and it is probably easier to break the WEP key passively than try and guess these, but what would we need to do if we could figure them out? The checksum used here isn't cryptographically secure, and can be updated in the same way as the WEP ICV because we know which bits have been altered, so the packet can then be used for replaying... but this isn't realistic.

In summary:
  • WEP is still a stupid idea
  • If QoS and MPLS aren't being used, the passive attack is easier than under IPv4
  • The new "ARP" replay attack should work just as well as the old one

  1. Breaking 104 bit WEP in less than 60 seconds 

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