I've already got a working config for the WIDE DHCPv6, so migrating to the ISC version wasn't going to be too difficult - fortunately I found a sweet tutorial which made life easier. Once I'd got my new config set up, all that needed to be changed was /etc/init.d/dhcp with a couple of extra lines
echo -n "Starting DHCPv6 server: "
start-stop-daemon --start --pidfile $DHCPD6PID \
--exec /usr/sbin/dhcpd -- -q -6 -cf /etc/dhcp/dhcpd6.conf $INTERFACES
sleep 2
if [ -f "$DHCPD6PID" ] && ps h `cat "$DHCPD6PID"` >/dev/null; then
echo "dhcpd6."
echo "dhcpd6 failed to start - check syslog for diagnostics."
It hasn't crashed yet, and I'm hoping that it will be a bit more resilient than the WIDE package. I'll let you know how my testing goes with all my different operating systems here!